Democrats Are Really Stupid
Can you believe John "Dipshit" Kerry had the nerve to say that if he was president that we wouldn't have this middle east crisis. How is this Mr. Kerry? Would you have sided with France and wanted to take action against Israel? And then theres Howard "Fucking Moron" Dean who has come out and said the same thing. What is wrong with these fucking idiots. They really think that you can sit down and talk to these terrorist. Diplomacy doesn't work for terrorist! You have to just wipe these allah loving dickwads off the face of the planet. I'll tell you it's not going to be a dumbassocrat who does it. All they wan't to do is run and hide and pretend that there is no threat from terrorist or other rouge nations. I hope some jihadi's hit Nantucket one day just to let them, the elite democrats, know that they can't and won't do shit to help fight this "War on Terror!"
By the way, what is Dean wearing in this picture posted, a PLO scarf? I think he's trying to say he supports terror! Well I say FUCK THE DEMOCRATS and their terror loving buddies!